Despite high school sports being canceled, students still found a way to be competitive this past year. By arguing to see which graduating class’s high school experience has been affected the most by COVID-19, it’s apparent that each grade has FOMO when it comes to pandemic-related troubles. It’s a close call; every grade has given up some quintessential high school experience, whether it’s prom, AP tests, making the trek from sophomore row, getting their chance to haze the freshman or first days on campus. The past year of quarantine has been a battle to see who has it worse, and everybody is losing. To settle this once and for all, Bark has ranked each grades’ experience from best to worst.
Class of 2023
Rank: #4
Having never had a full year in high school, the class of 2023 is unsure of where they stand. Even though they still feel like the scared new freshmen they were last year, they are now expected to have their work ethic down as sophomores. They’re being faced with their first Advanced Placement (AP) tests and attempting the Pre-SAT. Lucky for them, failing these tests seems a lot less horrible when you’re online. Cheating is also much easier now, as most teachers don’t give a second glance when students’ grades drop entire letters since online school began. But the class of 2023 still has the next two years in front of them and much to look forward to, including prom and graduation. Sorry, guys, you still didn’t lose as much. That’s a good thing though, just not for this ranking.
Class of 2024
Rank: #3
Despite technically entering high school last August, Redwood’s class of 2024 are basically still middle schoolers. They haven’t been lost in the halls, pushed around or booed at pep rallies; so really, they haven’t received the freshman experience. Not to worry, next year’s seniors will make sure they pay their dues. Having barely set foot on campus, the class of 2024 definitely has obstacles, such as not knowing where to go during lunch. Most freshmen are sticking with their old middle school friend groups for lunch, as they haven’t gotten to meet anybody new. Thankfully if they do choose to eat lunch with people that they’ve only met over Zoom, there is a six-foot gap between them to spare the awkwardness. Yet, despite having their first year taken from them, freshmen still have the rest of their high school career to, hopefully, experience some normalcy. The pros outweigh the cons here, the class of 2024 still hasn’t lost as much as others.
Class of 2022
Rank: #2
Between taking the ACT and SAT, increased workload and added AP classes, junior year is hard even without COVID-19. Pair that baseline stress with less one-on-one time with teachers and a spotty internet connection, and the difficulty only worsens. There are no chances to suck up to teachers for coveted letters of recommendation for college, or for a much-needed grade boost come finals week. The College Board is somehow still trying to get juniors to take their standardized tests, yet with California’s COVID-19 regulations, students are going out of the state to take them. We’re not supposed to be traveling, but they’re not administering the test in state — very confusing. However, their senior year looks like it will be in person and back to normal, so the class of 2022 still has a glimmer of hope.
Class of 2021
Rank: #1
Senioritis became a year-long virus as the class of 2021 hasn’t been on campus and has just now gotten to come back part-time. Their senior Back to School Dance was canceled so they didn’t get to wear their senior jerseys and blow whistles in the faces of unsuspecting underclassmen. The option of attending Homecoming was also stripped away. Sure, no upperclassman goes unless they’re on the homecoming court, but hey at least there was the option. Even worse, they will most likely never experience a high school prom. Because COVID-19 started halfway through their junior year, the class of 2021 never got to have the beginning of a normal senior year that the class of 2020 did. On the bright side, second-semester junior year was ten-times easier with the pass or fail system; A’s had never been so easy to get. Just log onto the one Zoom a week and you’re good to go. However, the cons weigh down, class of 2021. You guys win! Or is it really winning, if you’re winning at losing the most?