One of the new safety procedures that has been implemented for Redwood staff this year is a communication software application called Share911. This software allows teachers and staff to communicate instantly with each other in event of an emergency. Users broadcast emergency alerts to recipients within their organization while notifying 911 at the same time, according to the application’s website.
This application can be loaded onto a mobile phone or computer and has been recently rolled out in all Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) schools and several Marin county middle and private schools. According to Principal Barnaby Payne, it was used effectively by staff at Tamalpais High School during the Nov. 29 bomb threat on their campus.
Payne believes this software allows TUHSD to avoid establishing more extreme protective measures such as building a wall around the school or installing metal detectors.
“I’m excited about this type of tool [because] it protects us and allows us to have a certain degree of freedom,” Payne said.