Under twinkling lights, students, faculty and relatives of performers gathered to enjoy music performed by student musicians from the Jazz and Performance Workshop programs at Night of Blues on Friday night in the CEA.
Canopy, a merging of the Advanced Performance Workshop bands High Tide and Sequoia, provided an energetic set to end the night.
“This Night of Blues is going to be unique because we’ve been working very hard together to develop a complex set with lots of different parts,” junior John Van Liere said. “It’s very unique because two bands that are normally separate are joining forces to create a mega-band.”
Senior Max Lukianchikov said that because many members of the music department are seniors, they put in extra effort to ensure they go out on a high note.
“This is the seniors’ last Night of Blues so we’re taking this one a lot more seriously and we think we’ve compiled a really good list of songs. We’re excited to play them for everyone,” Lukianchikov said.
Senior Jason Seavey said he believed that the experience of the more seasoned musicians would result in an exceptional performance.
“I’d say each year just keeps getting better. We learn from all the logistical mishaps that are inevitable when you are planning an event like this,” Seavey said.
Masters of Ceremonies senior Alison Wood and senior Delaney Benstead, the first ever female MC’s of this event, enlivened the night with music-related jokes.

Van Liere promoted the event as one a rare opportunity to experience live music at school.
“There are very few chances that high schoolers nowadays get to dance in front of a live band and this is one of the best chances that any high schooler might get,” Van Liere said.
Senior Jake Baldwin also noted the dancing aspect of the performance.
“It’s the best dance of the year, and I’m excited to see people moving and grooving,” senior Jake Baldwin said.