In the late afternoon on Dec. 12, the Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) Board of Trustees met for the last time in 2023 during the Annual Organizational Meeting to prepare for the new year. The Board discussed topics ranging from committee assignments, future policies and new construction assignments to budget reports and bonds.
The designation of committee assignments and calendar approval was first on the agenda. The Board appointed Leslie Harlander as Board President and Emily Uhlhorn as Board Clerk. Meanwhile, Karen Loebbaka and Uhlhorn will represent the Joint Legislative Action committee for a second term; Uhlhorn was also assigned to the Marin County School Board Association (MCSCA). Representatives for the Racial Justice Task Force are yet to be determined. The 2024-2025 calendar was unanimously approved without any holiday or personal conflict, but is not yet available to the public. The 2024 Board of Trustees schedule for January through June 2024 is available here.

In an attempt to form a districtwide cell phone policy, the Board reviewed the District Cell Phone Survey Results from earlier this fall. The policy will likely require teachers to collect cell phones during class time throughout the district. The survey received 1,894 total responses, with 20 percent of responses from students, 13 percent from parents and 43 percent from teachers. Of the responses, 90 percent of students responded “No” to a cell phone policy, around 73.3 percent of teachers responded “Yes” and 69 percent of parents also responded “Yes” to implementing a policy.
However, for teachers, there were still some unanswered questions about fellow teachers enforcing the policy, administration support if students refuse to turn in cell phones and how this cell phone policy would conflict with classroom activities. Dr. Jeanine Evains-Robinson, who presented the results to the Board, further addressed public concerns during the meeting.
“Research does support that removing cell phones can and has increased student performance in classrooms. Ultimately, what I think should happen is we should have a task force with a goal of truly writing a policy for all stakeholders to buy in on … that will be easier to implement across all the campuses,” Robinson said.
Throughout the discussion about implementing cell phone policy, the Board members agreed that a policy addressing concerns and needs of students, parents and teachers is necessary. Board member Kevin Saavedra, agreed with making steps towards implementing a policy.
“The execution is our responsibility. But the objective is patently obvious. … This is a distraction that needs to be managed and it is [vital] to define a policy that we think achieves that objective,” Saavedra said.
Further plans for 2024 were included in an update on Community Facilities Rentals and Practices, which allows community members to utilize school facilities, which prioritizes students and school events first, then adult education, and finally non-profit groups. Updates primarily include the resurfacing of multiple pools throughout TUHSD, including Redwood’s which will begin construction in May, and possibly other updates.
The Board also approved the Schematic Design for Redwood’s pool replastering, deck replacement and solar heating project. Previously, the Board approved Redwood’s construction contract for $236,000 and TUHSD officials met with various pool users and operating staff for input. With a grand total budget of $3,314,016, further advances will continue in 2024 and construction is expected to start on June 10, 2024 and finish on Oct. 4, 2024.
The first interim budget report outlined an overall positive summary, with a slight deficit this year and an expected surplus in coming years due to a decrease in school enrollment. Future resources in the form of grants and federal reimbursements will be expected in 2024 from the “Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant” (LRE) and the “Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant” (AMIM), among others.
Additional Trustee Board approvals included the Marin County Interdistrict 5-year Agreement to Use Updated Interdistrict Transfer Form, the Reinstitution of Fund 17 and Resolution No. 23-09. For further information a recording of the meeting can be found here.