The Associated Student Body (ASB) is the heart of the Redwood community. Responsible for dances, spirit weeks, fundraisers and school merch, the group has a significant impact on the school. The procedure for the election of these influential roles varies across grade levels, with underclassmen retaining semester-by-semester positions as opposed to the year-long appointments for upperclassmen. The positions on the ballot include president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Elections for the 2024 spring semester closed Thursday, Nov. 30th.
Candidates created social media accounts and filled the hallways with colorful posters and flyers, prompting their peers to elect them into leadership positions. On their social media accounts, candidates packed their profiles with photos and videos along with various links to make voting easy and accessible.
Sophomore Madison Bishop won the position of vice president and spoke to her previous involvement in ASB.
“I ran because I was introduced to leadership my first semester freshman year and I liked the community and the involvement we had in the school,” Bishop said.

Bishop was not the sophomore vice president this first semester but did hold the position during her freshman year. She reflected on the value of her experiences. “Student government is so important because we spearhead the Redwood community and join our school together as a whole,” Bishop said.
Callie Mock, a sophomore who attempts to leverage her organizational skills and passion for Leadership, ran for secretary and won unopposed. “I love being involved [with the school] and being behind the scenes in certain events. I am a very organized person, which is essential for a secretary who provides structure to [the] meetings,” Mock said.
Freshman presidential candidate Elsie Schroeder did not win this round of elections but was the president of her class during her first semester at Redwood.
“I came in with an open mind. I thought, ‘I could be good at this. ‘Let’s give it a shot since it’s just one semester, since [positions] rotate every semester,” Schroeder said.
Despite the change of position, Schroeder will still be contributing to student government. “I’m excited to let it rotate out and sit back and help do the work and leadership,” Schroeder said. The rotation of positions gives more students opportunities to ensure their voices are heard.
The freshman class president, Adriella Marcus, explains why she is a good fit for such a high leadership position.
“I am a hard-working person in general, whether it’s sports or school. I always put 100 percent in,” Marcus said. Marcus shared that she has a lot of new ideas she plans on incorporating in Leadership this year, namely creating committees to ensure high productivity during their meetings.
Leadership in the 2024 spring semester, for freshmen, consists of Adriella Marcus as president, Everett Fredericks as vice president, Sabine Khan as secretary and Beckett LeClaire as treasurer. For sophomores, the president is Hayden Schepps, the vice president is Madison Bishop, the secretary is Callie Mock and the treasurer is Renata Lionetti.