As the winter months roll around once again, a craze for pumpkin spice is phased out by new holiday cups, full of the latest holiday drinks to provide warmth for these cold days. When traveling, my family often wonders where we might find the best cup of hot chocolate, but recently it occurred to me that I didn’t have the slightest clue where the best hot chocolate was in my own area. I took a look at four different shops, all located near the homes of Redwood students, and assessed several different aspects of their drinks. I decided to find the best peppermint hot chocolate because ‘tis the season for a sweet, warm cup of happiness and because the peppermint makes it more special. I judged the drinks on many different categories including presentation, taste, quality of ingredients, location, price, and overall experience. I then gave each a final review out of five stars.
Peppermint Hot Chocolate Video from Redwood Bark on Vimeo.