Amongst the abundance of plastic signs outside many homes in towns surrounding Redwood sits the easily identifiable green and orange Heather McPhail Sridharan sign. McPhail Sridharan is running for the board of Marin County Supervisors in the upcoming 2024 election, having over 35 years of experience in public service. In this role, the duties include setting budgets, enacting zoning laws and providing public emergency services such as police and fire services. Marin’s Board of Supervisors consists of five people, one for each district. McPhail Sridharan is aiming to represent the towns in District 2, including Fairfax, San Anselmo, Ross, Larkspur, Kentfield, Greenbrae, Sleepy Hollow and southwest San Rafael.
One of McPhail Sridharan’s main objectives is to address the need for affordable housing. Another policy she intends to prioritize is preparing for the consequences of climate change in Marin. Flood control, wildfire preparedness, sea-level rise and sustainable transportation highlight some of her primary initiatives.
“I believe we can make progress on [affordable housing and the county’s response to climate change] by focusing on practical solutions in collaboration with our local leaders,” McPhail Sridharan said.
Affordable housing is a very relevant topic in this year’s election. Marin has taken the initiative to provide affordable housing by incentivizing the development of more Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and housing in vacant areas like the Lucky Market in Larkspur, which McPhail Sridharan supports.
“The critical point is that we need to think about the solution holistically and what can practically be done today, not years from now,” McPhail Sridharan said.
She believes our community is constantly changing and steps must be taken to civilize that evolution. She would like to guarantee diversity in representation so that all voices can be heard, leading to more issues being resolved.
“The way we balance everyone’s needs is by listening and ensuring everyone has a seat at the decision-making table,” McPhail Sridharan said.
Eileen Burke, the mayor of San Anselmo, is one of over 50 people endorsing McPhail Sridharan. She has served on the council for eight years, which is essential to the county supervisor’s role of appealing to the community’s needs.
“She recognizes that the job is to be a partner with the cities and towns in the district,” Burke said. “She’s a really good communicator and a good listener. It’s not about what’s best for her; it’s what’s best for the community she serves. That’s rare among politicians, but it’s a super important quality.”
Although controversial topics like housing create difficulties when finding solutions, McPhail Sridharan believes that attempting to overcome these issues with the right mindset is essential from a political standpoint.
“I think [McPhail Sridharan’s] approach to rent control is reasonable. She says, ‘let’s look at a compromise that works for everyone’,” Burke said.
Another prevalent issue in this election is education within the county. McPhail Sridharan has served on the District’s English Language Acquisition Committee (DELAC) for nine years.
“The mission of DELAC is to advocate for the needs and rights of English learners and their families to develop the skills necessary to be successful within school districts,” McPhail Sridharan said.
Two current bonds on the ballet affect our district. Measure B supports facility improvements in the Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) and Measure E supports facility improvements in the Kentfield School District.
“I wholeheartedly support the two current bonds on the November ballot to help modernize infrastructure and make our Tam Union High Schools and Kentfield School District safer,” McPhail Sridharan said.
In addition to the ballot measures promoting financial support for our district, the issue of mental health in schools has influenced many voters in this election. Recently, there has been much controversy regarding how mental health is being dealt with in Marin schools.
“I have always been a strong advocate for every school having dedicated resources for mental health services, particularly at our high schools where mental health services are particularly needed right now,” McPhail Sridharan said.
In any election, having multiple support modes and knowing the people you are standing before is critical. McPhail Sridharan is a Marin County native and a graduate of Marin Catholic. She has strong local ties that resonate with voters. Burke is endorsing McPhail Sridharan because of this local connection and her other interests as a candidate.
“I think being a longtime resident is unique. When you have some history [in] the area, it helps you appeal to both the residents who’ve lived here a long time and the newer [residents]. She’s also a businesswoman and a mother of four teenagers, so she definitely resonates with a younger group. I think that cross-generational appeal is a huge benefit,” Burke said.
McPhail Sridharan is running against the incumbent Brian Colbert, who has served on the San Anselmo Town Council for eight years. The race results will be announced on Nov. 5th and the winner will take office soon after.