With the National Football League (NFL) season in full swing, Redwood students are organizing outlandish punishments through fantasy football. Many students are excited to witness these intense yet humorous punishments, including freshman Burke Edelen, who was first introduced to fantasy football in fifth grade and joined the tradition because he found the NFL entertaining.

He was inspired by the social aspect of fantasy football and playing with his close friends. Edelen anticipates watching some funny punishments take place this year, including in his own league.
“We do this punishment every year where the loser of the league has to do multiple laps around the track. Between each lap, they have to drink a gallon of milk,” Edelen said.
He is hoping to keep the tradition going this year but also wants to see other embarrassing punishments in front of a large audience.
“I really want to see someone do something in front of the school,” Edelen said.
A returning fantasy football champion, sophomore Charlie Burlingame, has been involved in his league for six years and plays with some of his middle school friends. Like Edelen, Burlingame has a punishment he’s ready to see get put into action again this year.
“Last year someone buzzed their hair; I’m hoping to see something like that again or see someone wear a costume to school,” Burlingame said.
As a returning student in his second year of high school, Burlingame is eager to see more Redwood students get involved in the punishments. However, he also enjoys the following specific players and seeing his team win.
“I love the feeling of winning and rooting for different players, it’s really awesome,” Burlingame said. “That’s why I love [fantasy football season].”
Sam Soccorsy, a senior, has been in the game of fantasy football since fourth grade. He and his friends have a history of wild punishments.
“Last year we did this thing called ‘the cage,’ where you put someone in a cage and throw things at them, like ketchup. One time, someone threw expired calamari at the person,” Soccorsy said.
Soccorsy loves having a punishment because he thinks they make the game more competitive and looks forward to this year’s punishment. This consequence is one of the more harmful punishments that have been executed this year.
“We did the [one] chip challenge, where someone eats [a very] spicy chip,” Soccorsy said.
As Soccorsy wraps up his time as a Giant, he aims to make the most of this fantasy season with his friends and start some humorous punishments for younger students to use.
Fantasy football is gaining more popularity by the year, and across all grades, students are in for some heated competition and unhinged punishments. It is also important to keep in mind that these punishments can also be dangerous and hazardous. With fun, also comes risks. Make sure to stay safe and keep the punishments harmless, but without a doubt have fun! Keep an eye on your fantasy team, and let the season begin!