As the days of October continue to fall away, turkey day begins to rear its head in the minds of many Americans. The thought of mashed potatoes, turkey and the nationally sanctioned pass to eat whatever one desires is enough to make anyone’s mouth water. After the stuffing concludes and stomachs are bulging, the following activities can be what makes or breaks this American holiday.
Press play on the Christmas mania:
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For those who have their elf socks, homemade ornaments and candy canes out of storage by September, a Christmas carol after Thanksgiving dinner is the perfect way to officially launch the Christmas season mania. Once the final dish is cleared, hit play on Mariah Carey’s rendition of “All I Want for Christmas is You.” Carey’s stunning vocals provide a fresh yet classic take on Christmas carols that will get every generation ready to welcome in the Christmas season. For the Christmas carol purists, the time-honored “Baby It’s Cold Outside” (not the Glee version) never fails at enticing listeners into singing along and might even make the grinch in the family tap their foot to the catchy chorus. However, if your family has been divided by the #MeToo movement, this song, which has recently been critized for encouraging date rape, may cause more problems than cheer. After giving thanks at the dinner table, Christmas carols can be the perfect way to usher the season of cheer, gingerbread houses and socially acceptable hyper-consumerism for Christmas enthusiasts. However, for families with members that believe Christmas encapsulates the dark side of American consumerism, rather than the spirit of giving, a hike or nap might be a better choice.
Head out for one of these recommended hikes:
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For the portion of people at the table who either want to burn off some of the heavy calories consumed or need to get out of a room packed with arguing relatives, local hikes can be a great way to end the night. Crown Road offers a relaxed fire road hike, leading you from Kent Woodlands to downtown Larkspur. At about five miles, this hike not only provides views of waterfalls and the mountainside, but it helps make a dent in your Thanksgiving dinner, burning about one serving of mashed potatoes. For those closer to Tiburon, Old St. Hilary’s Open Space Preserve supplies both an impressive landscape of the city and a stunning view of the bay. So as the plates get cleared, grab your shoes, a fitbit and head outside where the brisk breeze of fall will help subdue feelings of nausea from the amount of food consumed. Additionally, a walk, whether around the neighborhood or up through nature, will provide time for you to reflect on the dinner’s company and decide who should be asked back and who you will “forget to invite”.
Catch some Zzzzs:
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For the less ambitious turkey eaters or for anybody whose overeating results in drowsiness, a nap is a perfect conclusion to dinner. Not only does lying in the fetal position act as the perfect remedy for stomach pains, but an hour of blissful sleep allows your stomach to make just enough room for pumpkin pie. Beyond the physical benefits, a power nap is an easy way to improve one’s mood and a great excuse to get some time away from family members who keep asking what colleges you are applying to. Though a nap can be relaxing after a hectic dinner, you do run the risk of waking up at 3 a.m., confused about what day it is because of your messed up sleep schedule. For those willing to take the risk, simply grabbing a fuzzy blanket, hitting play on your favorite Friends Thanksgiving episode and letting the voices of Joey and Rachel send you off to sleep, is satisfyingly effortless. Though you may not burn as many calories or get into the Christmas spirit, a nap is the laziest and therefore most appropriate way to end a day of overconsumption and guilty pleasures.