The boy’s and girl’s swimming were victorious against Marin Catholic in their meet on Friday.
The girls’ team lost to Marin Catholic last year in both the dual meet and the MCAL finals, so this year’s win brought renewed optimism.

According to sophomore Emily Johnson, the fact that the team is the largest in the league has given them an advantage.
“Not only is the team the biggest in the league, but as a team we have struggled through intense practices and preparation for the meet together, making not only the individual races stronger but also the relays powerful and unified,” Johnson said.
Johnson also predicts in the future that the team will continue to win if they keep up their hard work.
“We need to stay unified as a team by managing to come to practice, and always staying committed but balanced between school work and swimming,” Johnson said.
Several top Redwood and MC swimmers were notably absent from the meet, as they were swimming in Junior Nationals.