Witches, balls of cotton candy, tourists, and various other costumes were displayed at the amphitheater on Oct. 31 all hoping to catch the eyes of the judges and walk away as winners of this year’s annual Halloween contest.

Contestants showed up in costumes that fell into one of the following categories: best couple, best group, and most original, scariest, and funniest costumes. Each winner of one of the categories received a special prize.
Since the contest’s creation in 1999 prizes have ranged from ITunes gift cards to extremely large bags of candy. This year’s winners received candy in pumpkin bags and were crowned in front of the audience.
The winners this year included for the group category: tourists, for the most scary category: boy with one eye, for the most creative category: future Miley Cyrus, for the funniest category: Jehovah Witness, and for the best couple category: two Marin moms.