Alicia Garza is an activist, author and a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as currently the principal of Black Futures Lab. As a social justice advocate, Garza shares valuable advice directed toward teens about the power they hold through the votes they cast. In this influential video, Garza shares her own experiences and activism and how we, as teens, can make change.
Alicia Garza’s advice for Redwood’s upcoming voters
March 18, 2024
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About the Contributors

Anya Ghazi, Video Editor
Anya Ghazi is a senior at Redwood High School and has been in The Redwood Bark for 3 years. Her favorite genre of journalism is broadcast journalism. As a Video Editor for the Bark this year, she plans to create many video montages and social media reels in the coming year. Anya spends her free time playing beach volleyball at Stinson Beach with her friends and watching the sunset after.

Annie Burlingame, Lifestyles Editor
Annie Burlingame is a senior in her third year at The Redwood Bark. She loves to utilize The Redwood Bark’s connections to explore outside journalism opportunities. Outside of her journalism interests, she enjoys helping others through community service and exploring new local restaurants.