Swept away by the dazzling night sky, drooping canopies of blue fabric, bright lights and upbeat music, the Starry Night themed 2023 prom on Saturday, April 22 was a dazzling spectacle of excitement and decadence. Held at the San Francisco Design Center, the dance was held to commemorate the junior and senior respective student bodies
Allison Kristal, math teacher and chaperone for the prom, commented on what she enjoyed about the dance.
“I love seeing everyone look their best and take a lot of pride in [their] work that they put together [for the night],” Kristal said.
Similarly, junior Braeden Conti remarked on seeing his peers outside of the classroom.
“You get to see a lot of people in contexts that you wouldn’t normally see; [when] you’d normally see someone in an English class, now you get to see them dancing to a Katy Perry [song],” Conti said.
What was also unique about the prom was the variety of activities offered, including air hockey, poker, food stands, dancing and plenty of music. Kristal particularly appreciated this aspect of the prom.
“I liked the different [balconies]. I liked that there [were] so many activities for kids who [didn’t] necessarily want to dance. There were a lot of different [things] like air hockey, and other options for kids who maybe [didn’t] want to just get in the mosh pit,” Kristal said.
For many, the night was a welcome break from school classrooms, a fun time with friends and a chance to look at the stars.