Most students at Redwood rush to get to school by at least 8 a.m., although a certain group routinely arrives by 7 a.m.. That group, Leadership, attends class early every morning except Fridays to plan out upcoming events and fundraising. Senior Eamon Rogan leads this group as the ASB president.
Rogan has been the president of his class since his freshman year. He ran for class president with the goal of wanting to improve the school, and he believes that the necessary changes can be made to Redwood by uniting the students.
“I’d love to have one of the most spirited schools around and definitely increase [spirit],” Rogan said. “So I would really love to have high turnouts at Homecoming and Prom. Also another thing is a lot of people coming out to sports games.”
Rogan thoroughly enjoys his duties as president, such as managing leadership meetings and fundraising.
“I enjoy working to help Redwood function, such as people creating clubs and stuff like that. I like having a good community and a place where kids can also have fun as well as learn,” Rogan said.
Senior Clark Chung, the ASB treasurer, said he believes Rogan is respected by his peers, leading them to listen to him.
“He’s definitely very charismatic and he works with people well,” Chung said. “He doesn’t waste his words and when he says something, it’s usually pretty meaningful and he doesn’t just ramble on.”
Besides spending copious amounts of time on school and leadership, Rogan excels in soccer, playing for both a Marin FC team and leading the Redwood varsity soccer team as the captain. Additionally, he is the project manager for the Elix Incubator, a business created by Redwood students.
Rogan said he enjoys similar aspects of leadership and soccer, believing they are both about bringing people together to reach a common goal.
“I actually do really like soccer because it brings a lot of people together who might not normally be hanging out or spending time together,” Rogan said. “It kind of expands across all boundaries because in different countries, they play no matter what class you are.”
Rogan said he believes that the insight and skills he has gained from joining leadership will help him in his future. He thinks that being a part of Leadership will prepare him for the amount of independence required for a successful college experience and a possible entry into political science.
He said he thinks that students should take their chance to join Leadership because of the experiences that can be gained through it.
“For one, it’s a fantastic community. You get to know people better and you’ll form a lot of close bonds with a lot of people that you might have never have met if you hadn’t joined Leadership,” Rogan said.