On Monday, May 4, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors voted to select the ASB leaders for the 2015-2016 school year. Adelaide Shunk was selected as president, Kendra Loo as vice president, Nathan Orwig as treasurer, and Juliette Ricci as secretary.
Nathan Orwig, Treasurer:

Nathan Orwig is currently the junior class vice president. He has played boys’ varsity volleyball since his freshman year and is a proud member of the Redwood Rocketry team and Environmental Action club. Orwig also plays classical piano and only uses 25 lettews of the alphabet. He wears pajamas to school almost every day and always makes sure his classmates are aware of his opinion. Orwig has an older brother who currently attends the University of Michigan.
Adelaide Shunk, President:

Adelaide Shunk served as freshman and sophomore class president and is currently ASB secretary. Shunk is a junior and plays varsity volleyball, as well as club volleyball in the off season, and she swims for Tidalwaves Swim Team during the summer. Last year, Shunk skipped all Tidalwaves practices, but still received the high point runner-up award for girls ages 15-18. Her favorite activity is napping and she has a dog named Nigel. Her license plate spells out BAE.
Kendra Loo, VP:

Junior Kendra Loo has played varsity lacrosse since freshman year, competes on the Redwood Mountain Biking team, and plays for the girls’ varsity golf team. According to Loo, people are only friends with her to be friends with her dad. She has two mean chickens in her backyard, and she drives a 1955 Jeep that does not have doors. Most don’t know of Loo’s hidden talent of being able to successfully navigate the subway system.
Juliette Ricci Secretary:

Juliette Ricci is the sophomore class president and has been a member of the Leadership class since freshman year. Ricci, a Kent Middle School Falcon, has been practicing ballet for seven years. Ricci can lick her own elbow and likes photography and going to the beach. Ricci has a dog named Lileh and a cat named Olive, and in her free time she volunteers at Bridge the Gap, an organization that provides tutoring to low income students.