For the past two months, the boys’ varsity baseball team has been attending 6 a.m. hot yoga classes at Now Power Yoga. Every Monday and Wednesday before school, the team has mandatory sessions; they can also choose to go optionally on Fridays. The idea to take these classes was introduced by head coach Mike Firenzi, who hoped the stretching and mobility involved in classes would benefit the team.
Lower body injuries were an issue for the team last year, as senior Sam Gersch and graduate Rex Solle both were sidelined for a significant time, while many others dealt with more minor injuries. Junior catcher Ethan Ferry believes that the stretching and the techniques learned in hot yoga will help limit injuries this season.
“We had a bunch of hamstring injuries last year, so yoga has taught us ways to prevent that,” Ferry said.
In addition to learning new ways to prevent injuries, the team has also become more efficient in practice. Senior shortstop Lucas Ghio has seen the benefits, as yoga has introduced new stretches as an injury prevention strategy.
“At the start of games or practices, instead of stretching as a team for twenty minutes, we can do a shortened stretch since we feel loose from the yoga,” Ghio said.
Firenzi initially pushed for the team to begin taking hot yoga classes, however, the team developed a new passion for the practice and began taking classes by choice in addition to mandated ones.
“It moved [from] us [having], to [now] even wanting to go on our own. [This] is why we do optional days on Fridays [in addition to] the required attendance on Monday and Wednesday mornings. We all really enjoy it,” Davis said.
While Davis emphasizes his love for the practice, he admits that working out in such high temperatures came with a learning curve. After taking classes regularly, he has adapted to the blazing heat and appreciates how it allows him to open up through stretches.
“The first time I went I was shocked by how hot it was. It got to 108 degrees the first time I went. It definitely works at our core and helps mobility. [The instructor] is always working on active hip openers which is helpful because I have really tight hips,” Davis said.
Along with the physical benefits of the practice, the team is spending an extra few hours together weekly, creating a chemistry off the field that transfers over to game times on the diamond.
“By battling through these hard classes early [in the morning], we’ve all gotten closer. That [bond] is another thing that will definitely help throughout the year,” Ghio said.
Ultimately, the team is enjoying attending the 6 a.m. classes together and noticing the variety of benefits.. They hope it will translate toward a successful season and look forward to their season opener on February 22nd!