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The Student News Site of Redwood High School

Redwood Bark

Redwood Bark

Redwood Bark

Reflejando otra vez con los ELD seniors
Reflejando otra vez con los ELD seniors
Ava Carlson June 27, 2024

El año pasado, tuve la oportunidad de hablar con estudiantes del grado 12 en la clase de English Language Development (ELD) sobre sus experiencias...

Illustration by Ava Stephens
A letter to sophomores: how to run next year’s marathon
Alana Leifer June 27, 2024

Are you a sophomore excited for your junior year? Are you going to college? Have you taken the SAT? Where are you applying? What's your GPA?...

What it means to be a Giant
What it means to be a Giant
Gil Ladetzky June 22, 2024

In fifth grade, I attended my first-ever Redwood basketball game. It was a rainy Thursday night in a gym packed with energetic students. As I...

Redwood seniors celebrate their last day of school

On Wednesday, June 12th, Redwood seniors joined together in the Covered Eating Area (CEA) to celebrate the end of their senior year before completing graduation rehearsal. A long line wrapped around the CEA as students waited outside to get their share of the breakfast food assortment. Seniors were given the option of various pancakes, waffles, potatoes, breakfast meat and eggs for their meal. They were also provided various drinks in celebration of their graduation. Students reflected on their past four years together while enjoying some final memories after their last ever high school class. The Class of 2024 will graduate tomorrow, June 13,  and move on to their next steps in life.


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About the Contributor
Lauren Poulin
Lauren Poulin, Staff Photographer
Lauren Poulin is a senior at Redwood High School. She is a staff photographer and enjoys spending time with friends as well as playing waterpolo.