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Redwood Bark

Redwood Bark

Redwood Bark

Reflejando otra vez con los ELD seniors
Reflejando otra vez con los ELD seniors
Ava Carlson June 27, 2024

El año pasado, tuve la oportunidad de hablar con estudiantes del grado 12 en la clase de English Language Development (ELD) sobre sus experiencias...

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A letter to sophomores: how to run next year’s marathon
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What it means to be a Giant
What it means to be a Giant
Gil Ladetzky June 22, 2024

In fifth grade, I attended my first-ever Redwood basketball game. It was a rainy Thursday night in a gym packed with energetic students. As I...

What it means to be a Giant


In fifth grade, I attended my first-ever Redwood basketball game. It was a rainy Thursday night in a gym packed with energetic students. As I walked into Phil Roark Gymnasium, I was overcome with awe and admiration for the team before me. The music, scent, view and environment filled me from within. When 7:30 p.m. arrived, and the ball was tipped off, I could feel the energy flowing through the packed gym; from student cheers to parents yelling, this was a place I felt could be home. Little did I know I would be wearing the Redwood jersey one day, stepping onto that same court and becoming part of the legacy I admired. 

Each time I stepped onto the court as a Redwood athlete, it was more than just a game; it was a fulfillment of a childhood dream and a continuation of a legacy that had captivated me for years. Yet, in those early days, I never truly grasped the weight of what it meant to be a part of something so profound. I never imagined that my last game could be just around the corner, that every moment on the court was a gift to be cherished.

During my last year as an athlete at Redwood High School, I came to understand the true meaning of being part of a team, of a family. Through grueling practices, exhilarating victories and heartbreaking defeats, I forged bonds with my teammates that transcended the boundaries of the court. We laughed, cried and grew together, united by a common purpose and love for the game.

Through the games, practices, team events and locker room laughs, I not only felt like part of the team but also found a family that will last with me forever. They became more than just teammates; they became my brothers, confidants and biggest supporters. As a team, we navigated through wins and losses and built a bond I will never forget. Wearing the number 15 Redwood jersey for the past four years has meant more than the game’s outcome; it’s the sense of belonging, of being part of something bigger than myself. Reflecting on my high school career, I realize that my legacy won’t be defined by my overall record or how many points I scored each game but instead by the impact that I will leave behind on the program. 

From the 7:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday night games, Redwood summer and winter basketball camps, selling cards to raise money for the basketball program or saying “Hi” to all the little kids after the game, it all felt like a family with an unbreakable bond. Today, as I reflect on my journey as a Redwood athlete, I am grateful for the experiences, the memories and the lessons learned. I am reminded that being an athlete at Redwood High School is a privilege, a responsibility and an honor that should never be taken for granted. It is a journey marked by sweat and tears, triumphs and setbacks, but above all, it is a journey defined by the unwavering spirit of the Redwood community, one that I’m lucky enough to call my family.

So, I ask that every athlete, present or future, who aspires to wear the Redwood jersey embrace the journey, cherish the moments of hard work and never forget the family and community that embraced you. Being an athlete at Redwood is more than just the final score at the end of the game; it’s an honor and a privilege. I leave behind my own legacy, one that is defined by hard work, dedication, and perseverance. I hope future generations of Redwood athletes will carry on this legacy with pride, knowing they are part of something truly special.

To all future Redwood High School athletes, don’t play for the final score, trophies and rankings. Play for your brother standing next to you, your coach who puts in hours of hard work, the fans in the community who come and support you night in and night out, the past generations who can no longer be on the court and most importantly, play because you love it. 

Fear the Tree.


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About the Contributor
Gil Ladetzky
Gil Ladetzky, Podcast Editor
Gil Ladetzky is a senior at Redwood High School and the podcast editor for the bark. He loves playing basketball, going on adventure with friends, family dinners and Sol Food.