On Tuesday, May 9, Redwood officially began their annual Associated Student Body (ASB) elections. Five people ran for the ASB president position, but the other races were less populated, with them all being unopposed except for Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) Board Representative (Rep), which only had two candidates. Going into the election, the candidates put up posters, talked to other students and posted on social media, continuously giving students more reasons to vote. The five candidates for ASB president were all juniors, leading to fierce competition between the class. Cameryn Smith, Peter Dachtler, Aanika Sawhney, Olivia Villanova and Sarani Puri all put in a great effort, but ultimately Smith was named ASB president for the 2023-24 school year.
For TUHSD Board Rep, it was between sophomore Kiera Lensing and freshman Ashley Ball. Lensing won and will be the Board Rep for next year.
The rest of the ASB nominees were unopposed, with junior Erica Block winning vice president, junior Berit Pigott winning secretary and junior Ella Kaminski winning treasurer.
Starting the following week, on Tuesday, May 16, class elections were in full swing, with many of the candidates who didn’t win their ASB elections running for class elections. For the senior class elections, Aanika Sawhney ran against Mateen Sadeghi for president. The role of vice president was between Eddie Lin, Lila Maier and Nikki Azar. Lulu Bodle and Siena Lester ran for treasurer, and nominees for other positions were unopposed. Maddie Eaton will be the secretary and Sarani Puri will be the Site Council representative.
When Friday rolled around and the voting had concluded, the junior candidates arrived at Redwood before school, ready to see if they had won their elections. Sawhney, Lin and Bodle all received the most votes in their races and will represent the senior class next year.
“It’s an honor to get to help [the senior] class in our final year of high school. I’m really looking forward to making some important decisions and making our senior year great,” Lin, the new senior class vice president, said.
As for the incoming junior class, the sophomores were ready to go, but unfortunately, their election was postponed due to some issues in the running. The election will happen at a later time, and this article will be updated as it commences.

Finally, for the current freshmen, they had multiple candidates for most of their positions. For president, Ashley Ball and Hayden Schepps ran against each other. The vice president election was between Madison Bishop and Brittney Blair. Candidates for secretary and treasurer were unopposed, with Callie Mock being secretary and Brooklyn Saputo being treasurer. As for the site council representative, Angelica Claire ran against Zara Bhandari.
As the voting came to an end, Schepps, Blair and Claire all won their elections and will represent the sophomore class next year.
After lots of time spent campaigning and getting the word out, finally these candidates can take a deep breath and look forward to next year when they represent their respective classes and the student body for the 2023-24 school year.