Due to drinking and fighting at this year’s Back to School Dance, the administration is developing a new set of rules for next year’s dance, which will likely include additional sobriety testing, a stricter dress code, and extra security.
The set of rules is being put together by Principal David Sondheim and Assistant Principal Katy Foster, ASB advisers David Plescia and Jennifer Madden, and students Liza Mansbach and Tom Cline. While none of the rules have been set in stone for next year, there is a high chance that they will be put into place, according to Mansbach.
Despite earlier reports that the date of the dance will be changed, the Back to School Dance will remain on the first Friday of the school year, according to Foster. The dance will be on Aug. 23.
Last year, a total of 10 students were suspended for the use of alcohol. The administration is likely to institute a new sobriety test, where there is a chance one in 20 students will be breathalyzed, according to Mansbach.
Another rule that will likely be put into place is a strictly enforced dress code. Although previous dress codes at school dances lacked enforcement, the proposed increase in security at the dance will likely begin to administer them, Mansbach said.
Foster said ASB will decide if ticket prices will be raised to account for the cost of increased security.
Updated on June 4 at 5:01 pm.