Junior Nate Johnstone pushes himself to find the perfect shot by taking hundreds of photos from dozens of different angles. At a young age, Johnstone was initially introduced to the hobby of photography by his family; his uncle has been doing photography since the 1980’s and his aunt picked up the hobby in 2010.
A normal day of photography for Johnstone will often be a spur of the moment occurrence. Usually, he will either meet a friend or go by himself to the location where he is planning to take photos, and then walk around to line up the shot. Currently, Johnstone enjoys shooting street photography, portraits and landscapes. He describes the mental process of looking for the perfect shot as similar to driving — it’s something that happens automatically for him, but to get to that point took a lot of practice.
Johnstone’s favorite part of photography is the people he meets, as fellow photographers have taught him a lot about the craft. Johnstone has met many of his current best friends through photography meet-ups. Johnstone’s friend, Keanu Villa, has observed a change in Johnstone’s style over time and believes Johnstone has come into his own as a photographer. Amogh Manjunath, another one of Johnstone’s photographer friends, credits Johnstone’s hard work and effort for his success in photography.
Johnstone’s affinity for photography caught the attention of Wilson Sporting Goods and one of Johnstone’s photos was featured on their social media. In the future, Johnstone wants to grow his Instagram from eight hundred to a thousand followers and possibly pursue brand deals for his photos. Johnstone’s photography can be found on his instagram account @nathan.jhs.