The stairwells were transformed into works of art for the annual stairwell decoration competition for Homecoming week this Sunday, Oct. 5th.
The Leadership class, as well as students from every grade, came together for three hours to display their skit themes on one of four staircases with colorful paper and drawings to increase the awareness and excitement for Homecoming.
This year’s Homecoming theme is “Hit the Streets.” The freshman theme is Broadway, the sophomore theme is Memory Lane, the junior theme is Hollywood Walk of Fame, and the senior theme is Yellow Brick Road.
Sundays are normally a quiet day for teachers to prep for the week. However, this Sunday, the halls were filled with music and an aroma of pizza as students worked to revamp their staircase into a storybook of their theme.
Walking down the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Broadway stairwells, students are enveloped in black paper covered with stars, ticket stubs, “paparazzi,” and all things that scream “show biz.”
The Memory Lane and Yellow Brick Road stairwells are more on the vibrant side, with paper of all colors and various details to display their theme. The Memory Lane staircase incorporates favorite old television shows and even baby pictures of students. The seniors told the story of the Wizard of Oz through their stairwell with different scenes from the movie.
“I think the best part of stairwell decorations is seeing people that aren’t even in Leadership coming and helping us out and putting their time into making it the best it can be,” sophomore Amanda Trusheim said.
Most classes were able to finish on Sunday afternoon. However, the seniors returned Monday morning to put the finishing touches up.
“Our class participation [this morning] was really strong to start off Homecoming week and we’re going to keep working hard to make our decorations even better,” senior Bailey Osborn said.
The winners of the stairwell decoration competition will be announced at the Homecoming rally on Thursday, Oct. 9th.