Redwood’s Symphonic Band welcomed the band from Ingraham High School for a joint concert on Thursday night.
Ingraham, a school in Seattle, arrived in the Bay Area on Thursday and attended an orchestra clinic at UCSF before performing at Redwood that night.
“Their director contacted me saying that they’d be in the area,” Advanced Band Director John Mattern said. “We decided to play a combined concert with them, given that they’re in the area.”
Ingraham’s band played three pieces during the concert, Redwood’s band played two pieces, and then both bands played together for the the final song, Foundry.
“Pretty much anything you can find and play percussion on is the idea of the piece,” Mattern said.
Alongside the two band’s set-up of a standard brass and woodwind section, percussion instruments included sounds from chimes, gongs, and a hammer hitting iron.
“It’s the most intense piece I’ve ever played,” sophomore band member Ben Bundy said. “We’re playing with around 100 people, so it gets pretty loud.”
The Redwood band’s next major concert will their spring concert be on May 15.