On Tuesday, September 10 at 12:05 p.m., I found myself in a place I never expected myself to be – homecoming skit rehearsal.
School spirit has always felt so foreign to me. After all, why should I cheer on the public institution I am mandated by law to attend?

But perhaps, I mused as I stood with my fellow Criminals discussing schedule conflicts, there was something more to it than wearing red and grey (or is it white and black?) and waving at a Hagrid-esque mascot.
No, maybe school spirit is about something more.
My natural tendencies to be jaded and bitter melted away as I realized that the true spirit of Redwood is camaraderie. Here I am, crammed in a classroom with dancers and leadership members who I’ve grown up with for the past few years, planning a John Hughes-inspired skit! This is a special time indeed.
Why not be in a class skit? What’s the harm in attending a game, a concert, a production to show a little spirit? Just because we’re forced to come to school doesn’t mean we can’t show a little enthusiasm, dammit.
During a rehearsal the week before the rally, I gradually picked up on the choreography with my peers. The carefully selected clips from humorous yet relatable songs just spoke to me, and my enthusiasm increased with every snap and step-ball-change. A smile crept across my face in a Grinch-like grin, thinking, so this is what school spirit all about. I felt only mildly out of place while laughing, jumping, and fist-pumping amongst the beautiful and well-liked. Well, perhaps mildly is not quite the correct word.

But then again, I was upholding my archetypal representation. Criminal, Brain, what’s the difference? It’s nice to have some diversity in the class skit. And for all of those who will be attending their first ever high school rally next Thursday, people of all walks of social life will feel like they belong. Welcome to Redwood, kids.
Some may argue that making students attend rallies is a waste of time. I myself have spent the last three years scowling at the notion of weekly spirit days and class flag competitions. Nothing good came from sitting cross-armed on the bleachers, but it fueled the ever-present flame of spite and slight annoyance within me as well as many others. But, friends, it is never too late for a change of heart. Redwood has been good to us. I’m all for celebrating friends, sports teams, bands, and more centered around the Redwood community.
What I’m trying to say is that I’m in no place to judge those with school spirit infused in their veins until I become one of them myself. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, and have some harmless fun along the way. So look for me at the rally. I’ll be the one tripping up the dance moves and looking like an idiot, because, hey – no regrets.