Face-to-Face is a feature that allows two members of the Redwood community to debate with each other, argue or simply converse about a relevant issue or event. We provide the topic, and they do the rest. This month’s participants are juniors Avery Grant and Hannah Jones, discussing the topic of whether Redwood should transition into a hybrid model, despite the Tamalpais Union High School District’s decision to wait until January, now that we have shifted into California’s COVID-19 red zone.

Do you think that we should go into a hybrid model, now that we are in the red zone?
Avery Grant: When I filled out the survey, I said that I was uncomfortable going back [to school] in the yellow zone. Even [going back to school] at all is a bit of a stretch because in reports from all over the country, we’ve seen kids going back to school and cases popping up everywhere. I think it’s too big of a risk to go back. Who knows if there will be a large outbreak at school and then we might have to go back to all online.I don’t think that we should go back until we can stay there for a long time.
Hannah Jones: I don’t get a lot out of being online. I feel for some [classes], especially science and drama, there’s not much that we can do. It would be nice to have a hybrid model for some of those classes.
What are the pros and cons of the online school curriculum that we have right now?
AG: I like that we have [double] blocks for the majority of the week. I think that it’s good because it gives us more time for work. But, I also think that we are getting too much work and it’s too much time in front of the screen. Instead of just an online school, it’s turned into an online day. I wake up, I do school on my computer for six hours and I have another four or five hours of homework in front of my computer.
HJ: I think a definite pro for me is I feel that I have more control over my schedule as to when I do work. I get up later, which is really nice because the schedule is a little different. I think that it makes more sense for me to have all of my classes on Monday, and space out the blocks instead of doing it however we were doing it before. I think that some of the cons are I don’t get enough real face-to-face [time] with the teacher. I don’t personally learn very well unless there is someone in front of me telling me how to do it and explaining every step.
Do you think that there is an impact on kids’ mental health because they aren’t around their peers and teachers?
AG: I think a lot of kids can sometimes feel somewhat isolated because we’re stuck in our houses. [Isolation]can have a really large impact on people whose mental health really relies on seeing their friends and having interactions with their teachers.
HJ: I’m an extroverted person, and one of the biggest things I lost over quarantine was being able to see people. I feel like being online and not having the outlet of seeing your friends and having a place to go that’s not school has been really hard. Especially when you’re in in-person school and you leave campus it’s like, ‘Okay, my school is done for the day, and now I have my homework.’ When you’re at home, it’s just all school, all homework and I’m always on my computer.
What do you think would change if we are to switch to a hybrid schedule?
AG: I really have no idea [what would change], so I’m not sure how the teachers plan on doing it. I think in a way that [the hybrid model] will slow down learning because there are so many logistics that go into getting people back at school, back in the classroom, and learning.
HJ: The masks and six feet apart will be kind of hard to enforce, but I think that it is really important, so we need to find a way if we are going to go into a hybrid model. I think that it will be beneficial for people to be in the classroom. I would get better grades on writing assignments because I would be in class and get the in-person feedback that I don’t really get online. Right now, we are allowed to use notes on our math tests, but when we get back to school, we are not going to be able to use notes, and I’m not sure how that’s going to translate.