The new GTSA section includes not only works of GTSA literature, but movies as well
Shortly after the unveiling of the new LGBT section in the library, the Redwood GTSA will be taking full advantage of the space, hosting a movie night on Friday.The event, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., will consist of the movie Switch, and lots of food, according to club president Sasha Perigo.
“It’s about this sexist guy who’s been dating his girlfriend, and his girlfriend gets really mad at him,” Perigo said. “He dies in a car crash and comes back to life as a girl. It’s supposed to be really funny.”
Perigo said that the event, which is open to anyone, is being held in an effort to publicize the club and provide an environment for members to bond. Perigo also said that wearing pajamas is recommended, but not mandatory as many of the attendees are planning on going to the Redwood Night of Blues after.
Perigo said that the Night of Blues, which is also on Friday evening, will begin after the end of the movie night, and that there will be no conflict between the two events.