Face-to-Face is a feature that allows two members of the Redwood community to grill each other, argue, or simply converse about a relevant issue or event. We provide the topic, and they do the rest. This month’s participants are junior Caique Costa and senior Katie Segars. The issue: Does pornography deserve it’s negative reputation?

What is your opinion on pornography?
Katie Segars: I’m pretty neutral on it. I think generally, especially a lot of girls in high school, they don’t watch porn a lot. It’s more viewed as something that guys do.
Caique Costa: I guess guys do watch it more, but I know a lot of guys think girls hide that they watch it.
Do you think porn is demeaning to women?
KS: I think it is extremely demeaning to women, because obviously a lot of women in porn get all sorts of things to make themselves more attractive for the view of men. I feel like a lot of women wouldn’t enter that industry to be demeaned like that unless it was their last choice or something.
CC: Well if it’s demeaning for women it can be demeaning for men as well, because women aren’t the only one’s who get surgery to be in porn. There’s penis enhancement that exists to get men ahead in porn.
Do you think porn causes any body image issues?
KS: I think it can because it’s obviously extremely looks-based and you can’t judge anyone in porn based on anything but their looks. Porn stars, to get ahead in the industry, need to have better bodies and stuff that enhances them and sets unrealistic body standards.
CC: Well if girls aren’t watching it as much as men, then their body image really shouldn’t be an issue. As far as guys go, I’m not sure they really care about how the guy’s body looks, more the girls. So yeah, I’ll give you that.
Are there any benefits to porn?
KS: No.
CC: As far as the actors go, they’re making money, they’re making a living out of it, and it might be something they enjoy doing, so props to them.
KS: Maybe, but I don’t think anyone grows up and they’re first thought is to become a porn star.
CC: Well maybe that’s because society makes it seem so negative.
KS: Society should make it negative because you’re being paid to have sex in front of a camera. Sex is supposed to be something between two people that’s supposed to be special.
CC: What makes it supposed to be?
KS: You’re just not supposed to have sex with some random person, you’re not supposed to be some senior guy’s cuddie. It’s looked down upon for anything unless you’re in a monogamous relationship.
CC: Is a senior’s cuddie a fair comparison to a porn star?
KS: Well, they’re both being used for sex, it’s just one’s getting paid.
Do you think porn is at all informative?
KS: I don’t think it is, because it gives a false sense of how these relationships actually work.
CC: But it’s a great way to study anatomy!